
Warriors embrace the unknown despite fear and uncertainty. These are the stories of PD Warriors -- friends and family of people with PD, medical professionals and individuals who themselves are managing life with PD or any of a myriad of medical challenges. They are stories of daring greatly.

LIfe Goes On

by Laurada Byers

“In the Ordinary World, she was the partner
in a pair of Russian nesting dolls. The dolls were to grow old together; instead, one was suddenly smashed…”

The Fallacy
of the Diagnosis

by Robert Cochrane, PhD

For doctors, delivering a diagnosis to a patient can sometimes be as stressful as it is to receive one.


by Doris Martin

“Dyskinesia is an unwelcome Shapeshifter lurking in the shadows
of my body, biding time until surfacing when most inconvenient…”

The Many Faces of Fog

by Susan Scarlett

“Disguising the truth of its power,
a wisp of pure white fog teases me,
inviting me to come and play. It tells
me it knows lots of games and suggests that we start with ‘You.’ I'm confused;
what is this, really, and why is it here?”

The Intangible
Significance of Living

by Susan Scarlett

“Suicide is a shape-shifting temptress. She seduces me with song, changing her look and her story to suit her own misguided and temporary needs.”

It’s the Parkinson’s

by Amy

I had a bit of a panic attack a few days ago. I get very frustrated trying to explain why I am having this problem when there is no clear answer - it's just the PD. So, I wrote this to blow off some steam.