ESCAPE  from the

Parkinson's, a progressive, degenerative disease, is the fastest growing neurological disorder in the world with over 1,265,230 people affected nationwide. Our stories about Parkinson’s Disease connect us. They inspire us. Our stories are a call to action. Today is the day we seek
a cure to end Parkinson's.

The Parkinson's Prison refers to the physical, emotional and psychosocial lockdown of living with Parkinson’s disease (PD). The stories we tell ourselves shape our reality, including how we feel about Parkinson’s disease, whether we are conscious of them or not. The feeling of being trapped, stuck and isolated are commonly reported by people with Parkinson's. Dr. Ray Dorsey, author of Ending Parkinson’s Disease, says the PD community needs to speak up. But sharing stories that matter, stories that tell the whole truth, isn’t easy for most people. And that’s why the Day One class exists - to bring us together so we can amplify and empower one other.

The stories on our page titled "Escapees" are written by people who have taken Robert Cochrane's improv & writing class called Day One: The Parkinson's Prison and the Hero's Journey to Escape. The class follows Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey. This classic structure helps writers understand how to tell their stories in ways that will connect with others. The 12 stages help participants explore their feelings and experiences in new ways, which help uncover powerful, life-changing truths.

This dynamic, evidence-based class was developed in a PhD study. People with, affected by, and serving the PD community, explore, write and share their stories from the perspective of feeling imprisoned by PD. Are you ready to unlock the stories that are imprisoning you?

Check out the details of the Day One classes at: Yes, and ... Exercise!

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